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Set up in 2005, Hanyong works with artists in the UK and in South Korea to create new work for young people, bringing together the best of the vibrant culture of Korea with the most exciting British exponents of work for Young Audiences.  In its 9 years, the company has established a track-record for genuinely ground-breaking and inspiring work.  

Work on our newest project, with the working title ‘Nobody’, began in April  2014, and has already been the most exciting yet. Director Peter Wynne-Willson will be in Korea in April working on the play with Korean actors, then the play will be presented as work-in-progress at the ‘On the Edge’ Festival - the world meeting of ASSITEJ in July 2016 in Birmingham.

Each Hanyong project is several years in the development, across continents, and involving a wide range of artists....

Not all international collaboration is balanced.  Too often there are senior and junior partners, or the feeling is either of exploitation of one culture by another, or of cultural colonialism.  So at the heart of Hanyong’s mission is the creation of projects with a real exchange of culture, with balance, mutual respect and true collaboration.  If one artist of two is working in the other’s language then the partnership is not equal.  So Hanyong’s work has taken a ground-breaking approach to language. Both in  its creative processes, and in the plays and projects which we create.

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